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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Metroid's run for your lives ...

This was a fun little effect. I cut out a picture of Samus and placed her atop that little planet in photoshop. Then I took that image and stuck it in After Effects.

I wanted to have Samus charging up her laser beam. I went ahead and slapped a Beam affect on her. I made the start point her gun and the end point just off screen so it was faux 3D. Then i just adjusted the length and timing to where I wanted it.

Then I needed my little charge up particles.

I wanted little power spheres, so I went ahead and made my particles faded spheres after trying both bubbles and shaded spheres. I matched the color to the lightest part of the beam. My rate was only .2 per frame and my longevity was about half a second. I didn't want there to be much coming out of the gun, just a slight effect of charging particles. For the motion I ended up using the twirly and adjusted the camera position, so that they looked like they were spreading out from the gun rather than falling out. Then I adjusted the emitter position to line it up with the barrel of her cannon.

Boom! I'm a firing my laser!

Untitled from William Maddox on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

motion tracking

I used 2 trackers to follow the top corners of this letter. I basically went frame by frame seeing if the trackers were following, then I would let it play and see if it would stay on. To try and reduce the rotation, shake, and scaling problems I went into the graph editor and removed keyframes that seemed to cause problems. Then I just attached a text layer to the null and made a nice little letter...

Untitled from William Maddox on Vimeo.