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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Falling in some sort of alternative universe

Nothing like Chroma Key.

It was pretty simple. I grabbed the footage. Then I used this keylight tutorial found here .

From there his hand was a little cropped b/c it went out of the shot. So I trimmed the workspace to a square I cut out around him. From there I just threw a glow on.

falling down like yikes. from William Maddox on Vimeo.

Monday, October 26, 2009

superman titles

This was a relatively painless procedure once you found the right walk thru online.

For this project I started out with my main body text "dorm antenna cable"

I set the background color and the font color and adjusted the kerning. Once I knew what I wanted the text to look like at the end, I animated per character and changed the scale and opacity. I also threw a blur on there as well. Then I turned on the ease to make it a nice fluid bump that runs through the text as it appears.

The superman text numbers:

I found a little tutorial that showed me how to change some of the specific settings on the echo filter. This achieves the text stretch. I turned on motion blur to help this as well.

To find out how to do this effect:

Then at the end I put a camera on a null to dolly into the moving text.

This will be used as a closing slide for some TSTV commercials next spring.

Digital Slate from William Maddox on Vimeo.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Shining Halloween Treat

So you love the shining and you love After Effects 3D. Whatever will you do to combine the two:


I grabbed a pic of the Grady Twins and masked out the ugly crappy hotel hall from the movie.

I grabbed another hotel hallway and created a vanishing point in Photoshop to make it 3D.

Pull both of those badboys into after effects. I started out with my lights. I made an ambient navy light that would flash on an off still leaving some deep blue shadows. Then I placed a spot light at the light fixture in the picture. Made it point down and out towards the camera. I put a camera in there and dollied it forward while playing with the orientation to make the hallway rotate a little bit. I also added a bit of wiggle to give it a slight handheld effect with a magnitude of 6. From there I just added the Grady twins in and leashed them to the camera. I set some opacity key frames to make them ghost like and there you have it.

A new shining scene.

Shining Hallway from William Maddox on Vimeo.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Me 2 Me 2 Me 2 Me 2 Me 2 Me 2 Me etc.

This looks great, and was very simple. I framed the shot the way I wanted and left the camera running. Shot myself and captured.

Then in after effects I just opened up the mask settings in my timeline. Split the footage with shift, command, D and lined them up in the timeline. Then I just used the pen tool to cut myself out (the sitting me) and there you have it.

Easy way to get as much "you" as you need.

Willy and Billy from William Maddox on Vimeo.